Graduation season this year is definitely bitter sweet! For a very long time I was counting down the days when my sister would graduate college and George law school in the same week while thinking we'd celebrate very differently. With traditional ceremonies postponed or canceled, it doesn't take away from their incredible accomplishments and years of hard work. We certainly found ways to make the best of it while celebrating how amazing they are, and I'm hoping these simple ideas inspire you especially if you're looking to recognize your own graduate!
Well wishes video
With help from friends and family, we complied 'well wishes' videos and created a collective video in iMovie to recognize Kara's time at Stonehill. Reach out to the special people in your your graduate's life to take 30 - 60 second videos for their graduation day, plus add photos with friends or moments at school. As a touching tribute, it's so sweet seeing all the messages of advice and encouragement!
Drive by parade
If you live close by to friends and family, this is the perfect way to still celebrate while social distancing. For George's graduation from law school we coordinate a surprise drive by parade with everyone making signs, throwing cards out their windows, and decorate their cars with balloons! All the honking, cheering and line spanning around the block was such a wonderful way to surprise him.
Fancy dinner
Unfortunately with restaurants closed, my mom decided to cook a fancy dinner inspired by Ruth's Chris Steak House (where we were supposed to have Kara's graduation dinner). We decorated the dinning room with gold and white decor while enjoying delicious steak, twice baked potatoes, and cupcakes for dessert. Dressing up was also mandatory which made the night even more fun!
Virtual cocktail hour
Host a Zoom cocktail hour with fancy drinks and a cheese board. The beauty about creating a cheese board is you can incorporate themed picks to make it even more festive. We had a cocktail hour with my aunt and uncle which was lovely!
Graduation photos
Just because a ceremony might be canceled, doesn't mean you can't document such a special milestone. Following social distancing guidelines, my sister and I went to Stonehill College's campus to take graduation photographs in a cap and gown (thankful friends and family let us borrow their old regalia!). We had such a great time capturing her excitement at such a beautiful campus.
Or if you don't live near your school, take photos in your backyard with fun props such as balloons, champagne or confetti! George and I decided to take photos popping champagne and with balloons to document his graduation from law school, and we're so thankful my sister took some gorgeous photos of us!
